Zarafa Packages For ARMv8 – Thanks Paul!

Today I’m glad to announce release of the new Zarafa packages for Archlinux on ARMv8 (aarch64) systems. Just follow the instructions for Arch Linux ARM.

This ARMv8 platforms are currently supported by

Only the donation from a dedicated user made this release possible. So, please say thanks to Paul!

6 thoughts on “Zarafa Packages For ARMv8 – Thanks Paul!

  1. Hi,

    first I want to like to thank you for your work. Are you going to build new packages since Kopano was released or will you stay with Zarafa?

    Best Regards

    Peter Sander


    1. Hey Peter,

      You’re welcome!

      Sticking to the last Zarafa release doesn’t make sense, since all dependency packages are moving forward. Some of the current dependencies (php7, …) don’t even work with Zarafa. To keep the packages usable I released last working copy of Arch Linux.

      The next step will be migration to Kopano packages. After this has worked on the test repository there will be the need for a migration script. I already talked to the Kopano developers and received a simple buildscript to make that happen.

      But badly I’m going to be very busy until october. That is the reason for the little progress.

      What I’m able to promise is, that there will be new packages! If there weren’t, I couldn’t use my own mailserver πŸ˜‰

      If you want to help: I appreciate any help I could get on development! πŸ˜€



    2. Hey Peter,

      Sorry for the delay. For about a year, I have been very busy with house reconstruction. Meanwhile WordPress has not forwarded any comment :/

      Yes, of course I am going to build Kopano packages. I even did πŸ™‚ Check them out…

      I decided to build something new user are able to start with and everybody is able to update easily. Pieko is something you can easily put on your SD-card, skip installation and start with configuration straight. Packages are going to be installed form the version/date the system image is build. Therefore, you are always able to build and install packages.

      Now I am moving my build environment to Docker. This has almost reached its final stage. All I have to setup are the small little workers… armv6, armv7, armv8, x64.

      Since all of you rely on quick releases, I decided to move my sources from private Gitlab to Github. This will help to focus on pushing out releases and new functions πŸ˜‰

      I hope this was helpful.



  2. Hey there! It’s been years. Are you planning to release updated packages? If not, what are you using instead of Zarafa/Kopano?

    Thanks for your years of hard work!!

    Mike Smith


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